[Thesis] Thesis Examination Fee Payment and Related schedule of Thesis Examination

Modify Date

1. Related to regulations on graduate school degree thesis.

2. Please refer to the guidance on the schedule of graduate thesis examination in the fall semester of 2023, and make sure the thesis can be reviewed within the deadline.

3. Non face to face thesis screening using such as Zoom is available but you have to submit application before 7days from examination and submit report with evidence.



Key points

- Plagiarism inspection for thesis is mandatory,which was decided by Graduate school Commitee(2020.2.28.)

   You should submit Plagiarism inspection report to judges. You don’t have to submit the report to graduate school office.

- Refer to [Attachment 5] copykiller english manual.




- Non face to face thesis screening using such as Zoom is available

* However, thesis screening must ensure fairness.(Written examination is prohibited, and make sure the identification of participants during untact thesis screening)


A. Schedule for thesis examination fee payment

1) Payment Period: 2023. 11. 7.(Tue.) 10:00 ~ 11. 9.(Thu.) 16:00

2) Thesis Examination Fee: M.S 150,000 won / Ph.D. 500,000 won

3) Payment Method: Shinhan Bank’s virtual account will be granted only to those who submit the thesis application and got approval.

  ※ School Portal SystemAcademicAdministrationPaymentMiscellaneous costs 기타경비고지서 및 영수증 출력Click the ‘SEARCH’button

  ※ You can check your virtual account from 11.7.(Tue) 10 a.m


B. Changing the title of thesis


When changing the title of the thesis, Request for Title Revision of Thesis Online after 2023.11.13. until 2024.1.12.

 - School Portal SystemAcademicAdministrationGraduationGrad Schl Thesis/Dissertation청구논문제목변경신청

 - Approval from the advisor professor and the department head must be obtained after request. Ask your advisor professor for approval.)

 - You don't need to submit paper document to major department.


C. Report of Preliminary Thesis Examination Attachment 1


1) Application Period: 2023. 11. 27.(Mon.) ~ 12. 1.(Fri.)

2) Criteria[Pass]: M.S. - 2 or more out of 3 judges scored more than 80 points. Ph.D. - 4 or more out of 5 judges scored more than 80 points.

3) Application Method: Submit paper documents to major department office.

Submit Report of Thesis Revision Attachment 3in case of correction or supplementation

In case of online examination, submit Application Attachment 7-1before 7 days from examination, and submit report Attachment 7-2with evidence.


D. Report of Thesis Examination Attachment 2

1) Application Period: 2023. 12. 18.(Mon.) ~ 12. 22.(Fri.)

2) Criteria[Pass]: M.S. - 2 or more out of 3 judges scored more than 80 points. Ph.D. - 4 or more out of 5 judges scored more than 80 points.

3) Application Method: Submit paper documents to major department office.

Submit Report of Thesis Revision Attachment 3in case of correction or supplementation

※ In case of online examination, submit Application Attachment 7-1】 before 7 days from examination, and submit report Attachment 7-2】 with evidence.

Plagiarism inspection for thesis is mandatory, refer to [Attachment 5] copykillern manual. You must submit plagiarism inspection report to judges, you don’t have to submit report to graduate school office.


E. Submission of final printed copy of thesis


1) Application Period : 2024. 1. 8.(Mon.) ~ 1. 12.(Fri.)

Detailed information will be notified later

You have to submit 3 things to graduate school office.

  - (1) 4 copies of thesis with approval signature of judges

  - (2) 저작권동의서, (3) 제출확인서 with your origianl signature : You can print (2)&(3) on library website after you submit theseis  file to Dcolletion after approval. It takes 1 or 2 days for library's approval) 

 - In case of you can't get 4 original approval signature , You can use color-scanned paper of judges's signature. But you should keep original approval signature paper on your own.

Title of printed copy of thesis must be same with that of portal system.

You must submit online file of thesis to library website(Dcolletion) too.




1. Report of Preliminary Thesis Examination.

2. Report of Thesis Examination.

3. Report of Thesis Revision

4. Related basis of mandatory Plagiarism inspection(just reference)

5. Copykiller english manual.

7. Application and Report of Online Examination

